Celebration of Binatbatan Festival: Abel Weaving
Binabatan was introduced in 2002 as part of the celebration of Abel Iloco's hand weaving. It is celebrated every year from the last week of April to the first week of May. The name of the festival comes from the word "batbat". This refers to the first step in the weaving process, which involves separating the cotton balls from the seeds by tapping the cotton balls from the seeds with two bamboo sticks for Abel. During this time of the pandemic, there were some changes to the celebration of the Binabatan Festival. Celebration is different from our tradition in recent years. In order to avoid the transmission and spread of the disease, it is not possible to form a crowd or have close contact with an individual. However, with fewer and fewer cases of COVID-19 virus, we can celebrate Binatbatan this year. Thankfully, we are now back in a familiar world. Tourists and visitors from Vigan and other cities can also attend the celebration in Vigan City. The Binabatan Festival ...