Sleeves Up


    The Coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on all our lives. While we are each doing our part of prevent the spread, and while frontline healthcare workers risk their lives to care for the sick, researchers are racing to find the one thing that will protect all of us in the long run a vaccine. The vaccine will become the currency of life and death. Nearly every person on the planet will need it to stay safe from the virus. Ensuring everyone has access is the only way to protect us all from another COVID-19 pandemic.

    COVID-19 vaccines are effective and can lower your risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines also help prevent serious illness and death in children and adults even if they do get COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines become less effective at preventing infection or severe illness over time, especially for people ages 65 years and older. This is why booster shots are recommended for people ages 12 years and older who have completed their primary vaccination series. However, even as the vaccine’s ability to prevent infection decreases with time, COVID-19 vaccination continues to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death when people become infected with COVID-19. People who have certain medical conditions or who are taking medications that weaken their immune system may not be completely protected even if they completed the primary vaccination series.
Some people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised
should get an additional primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine and a booster shot.

    In our lives, especially during the pandemic, we should put our youth's health first. They are a key part of our community that needs extra protection and precaution. While we can, we should improve our chances of a healthy life. Vaccines allow us to worry less about health and focus more on what we do. It gives our children the opportunity to live life normally in these unprecedented times. So let us educate ourselves and others about pediatric vaccines for the betterment of our nation.



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