
We all live in a very beautiful, ever-changing world, a world of brilliance that warms our hearts and comforts us. Each of us faces and overcomes obstacles that would otherwise upset us. We are all on the same ship, regardless of gender, ethnicity or belief. But amazing people are an exception. The reason for our happiness in this world. These rare people exist for their care and upbringing. These magnificent beings are women and can make a difference.

Women empowerment allows women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems and issues in society. Women have the opportunity to redefine gender roles, which in turn may allow them more freedom to pursue desired goals. Being empowered made them the best of what they can be. During the Covid-19 pandemic, women have shown to the world their best, their assets: their kind, generous hearts. Priceless efforts and sacrifices were made by women during the pandemic, as shown and evidenced on different media platforms. Female health workers and frontlines have fought in battling the virus and the pandemic as a whole. They have patiently faced the long struggle in the treatment and cure of Covid-19 patients. Others have sacrificed their lives while treating and caring for patients. Some have initiated sharing their blessings to our fellowmen who have nothing to eat; community pantries began thru the initiative, efforts, and generosity of women and their groups to help alleviate the hunger and needs of the poor and marginalized citizens during these struggling times.

Women make a change, and change makes women empowered for the good and betterment of our society. Let us be each other’s inspiration regardless of our gender. Women’s empowerment comes in any form and all of us can join in taking action. We should acknowledge and put a spotlight on all the responsibilities women carry upon their shoulders. We should utilize different platforms and shape the views of society. Consider it as a simple responsibility — empower, uplift, and educate people








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