Mother’s Day: Day of our Superheroes

Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, and maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations, largely pushed by commercial interests, honoring family members, such as Father's Day, Sibling's Day and Grandparent's Day. Every year, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May to honour and to show appreciation towards mothers worldwide. This year, Mother's Day falls on Sunday, 08 May 2022. We celebrate Mother's Day to make our mothers feel special. It is the day when we thank our mothers and motherly figures by expressing our love and gratitude towards them.

            Mother's Day is a day when every child celebrates and praises their mothers. Nowadays, it is celebrated in schools in presence of their mothers. Children give greeting cards and other special gifts to their mothers. Mothers are specially invited by their children to the school to celebrate Mother's Day.

            No creature in this Universe can be as potent as a mother!! She is the one who is probably endowed with all the power. God has in a way given her the power to take up the affairs of the world. And in order to celebrate the unfathomable power of a mother, we celebrate this exclusive day called Mother’s day when each one of us in our own way honour Motherhood and its essence. Every year Mother’s day is celebrated in May, when the whole world makes it a point to celebrate the contribution a woman makes to take up in smooth way her family along with her career and the way she contributes to the society.

            A Mother does everything for the happiness of her family and in return does not ask for anything. We take our mothers and all her efforts for granted. A mother's job is a thankless job with no wages and no holidays and non-stop work for 365 days every year. It is believed that a mother is the epitome of love, generosity, sacrifice, and affection. Her presence on the earth provides solace to the enduring humankind. A Mother's smiling face removes all sorrows and stress of the world. They are the source of strength for fathers too.

            A Mother is said to be everyone's best friend as she takes care of everything that we need. Thus, a day is dedicated to her to say her thanks and pay respect every year. We cannot live without a mother and her caring. A mother bears so many responsibilities without any complaints or getting tired. Her job is one that is continuous without any fixed timing and work. In return, we cannot give her anything; we can only thank and give her respect instead.



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