3rd Quarter Begins




The end of this quarter is nearly coming, and it still feels unreal that two quarters of this school year have already finished. Time really does fly so fast. The past eight weeks of this quarter have been truly tough for me, and it’s a relief that it is already about to end. This quarter has taught me a lot of things, and I am truly grateful for the opportunity to expand my knowledge and stretch my understanding. I will make sure that the learnings I’ve gained here will be put into good use since not everybody has the chance to study and enhance their skills and understandings.

In the process, I experienced a small task that got stuck a little. These issues include tags not working, glitches, and in some cases problems in understanding the steps. Fortunately, these issues were easily resolved via the internet or by trial and error. Asking the teacher for help was also a way to get a clearer understanding of the instructions. Don't be afraid to ask questions. It's a great way to educate yourself and get more information to solve your problems. It is worth solving these problems and getting the desired results. It gives me a sense of hope, the idea that there is much more I can do.

Moving on, I will use these newly discovered abilities to create even more. HTML is fun and rewarding, so I want to learn more about this subject and develop new talents and hobbies. As a 10th grader, I tend to think about what to do next in my life. So I hope I can find a way for me in the next semester.






  1. Good Day!

    As a learner like you, I agree that we need to ask questions for a clearer understanding to the instructions given by the teachers or stated in the modules, it is a great way for us to prevent misinformation or misunderstanding about the instructions given. Continue expanding your knowledge and discovering your skills. Your blog is amazing, good job!


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