No children should be left behind !

    Children are not the face of this pandemic. But they risk being among its biggest victims, as children’s lives are nonetheless being changed in profound ways. All children, of all ages, and in all countries, are being affected, in particular by the socio-economic impacts and, in some cases, by mitigation measures that may inadvertently do more harm than good.  Moreover, the harmful effects of this pandemic will not be distributed equally. They are expected to be most damaging for children in the poorest countries, and in the poorest neighbourhoods, and for those in already disadvantaged or vulnerable situations. Anchored on the domestic and international rights of the child, the Department of Education (DepED) celebrates the 29th National Children's Month this November with Various activities championing children's rights and welfare in the new normal.

        With the national theme, “New Normal na Walang Iwanan: Karapatan ng Bawat Bata Ating Tutukan,” this year’s celebration will cover the myriad of issues on children’s rights to survival, development, protection, and participation in the new normal setting. “As the country gradually recovers from the pandemic, we will continuously champion the rights and welfare of our children. Particularly, the month-long celebration will take off from the previous and current challenges, and learnings of the Philippines in terms of promoting and upholding children’s rights,” Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones said.

     The future of this world is in the hands of young people. They are said to have the power to save and change this world. What will happen to our world in the future if we do not prioritize them? It is our main responsibility to protect, educate and recognize them. While they are  young, we must expose them to love and knowledge. We play an important role in enabling them to lead a blissful life. Mankind owes  the best that must be given to children. The COVID-19 pandemic must not prevent us from assessing and prioritizing the rights of all children. Even if our current situation is difficult, we should pour out our love and attention to them. No matter what, children's rights cannot be ignored. They are the future of this world. Take care, love and help all children.



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