A Letter to the President: Acknowledging his Sacrifices

Angel Charmae B. Del Pinado,

Pagpandayan Vigan City, Ilocos Sur

October 10, 2021

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte

Malacañang Palace


Dear Mr.President,

                  Good day! How are you sir? I hope you are healthy and well. 

                  I didn't vote yet last 2016 but my family and I rooted you. We heard a lot of things about you from certain persons in the Philippines. We thought that you would be different from the past leaders we had who were traditional politicians. Some people in our country were against you but we wanted to give you a chance. Your plans for the country were promising. We were expecting that the Philippines would be a better place to live in with you as a leader. 


    It must be very difficult, especially at your age, to lead a country of more than Seven Thousand Islands and more than a hundred million people. And still, you did your best to make our country will be the best. We believed in you. We still do, and we will continue to believe and respect you. We will pray for you, that you will have wisdom as you make decisions. We will pray that you will lead in righteousness and justice. We pray for renewed passion for the nation and compassion towards your people. 

                 And for the last time, there are many progress during your administration, and thank you for taking steps to protect our country.

We also admire that you have been a proactive president in achieving your vision of a new and improved Philippines. I salute you for all your achievements. I will never forget what you have done, President Rodrigo Duterte. God bless and more power.


  1. One of the good presidents indeed we ever had! Salute to Mr. President Duterte for being a leader to our beloved country.

  2. Wow! What a nice letter to the president. I hope this letter reaches to the president so that he would have an idea on how to manage our country!


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