Filipino Resiliency is a Myth and always has been


    For many of us Filipinos, resiliency, is a familiar word that we have encountered multiple time throughout our lives. It’s not a secret that the Filipino people have always prided themselves on their resilience.

        The Philippines ranks among the top three countries in the world for population exposure and vulnerability to hazards. In our situation right now, we are facing the stress of Corona Virus Pandemic. We can lighten the load on the negative side of the resilience scale by reducing sources of stress for families and program staff like helping families, meet basic needs like food, shelter, diapers, health care, child care, guiding adults who are out of work through applying for financial assistance, creating and providing children’s activity kits and encouraging parents, program staffs, and co-workers to practice self-care. And with this resilience enables us as individuals, families, communities as nations and as a country, to cope better with the stress of the Corona Virus Pandemic.

    The strategic being a resilient Filipino is to acknowledge current reality, re-connect with the vision and values, communicate touch points for stability including a focus on the future, define what success looks like today and adjust as the future unfolds. 



  1. I like the picture and your blog also. The blog was short but it is very meaningful.

  2. Agree! We Filipinos must help each other so that we can cope this pandemic. Keep making your blogs, I like it by the way.


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